Daniel Salisbury’s superior touch combined with a clear & focussed attention offer the ultimate in relaxation, a respite from the otherwise constant demands of daily living.    Daniel’s massage clients get used to receiving touch treatments that are extraordinarily revitalizing.

  The depth of the your feeling of safety and ease when on the massage table, in large part will shape your ability to receive the goodness in a massage, which might be described as nourishment, healing, or unfurling.  Daniel’s active attention to your comfort and the safe container, using subtle listening & communication skills, sets a positive tone for each session.    He listens intuitively & with his hands to your body’s presence & its direct response to the detailed and changing touch. In clinical and private massage practice since 2006, Daniel continually expands his understanding of how the body works and how he might aid its healing.

Daniel has lived in the Ashland Oregon area for 40 years taking nourishment from the pace of small town life and proximity to the great outdoors. When he’s not working with clients he might be found playing with his grandson, practicing the mandolin or creating art & Mobius loop sculptures.